Saturday, April 11, 2015

Writing Announcement

     I'm happy to announce that I've had a story accepted by The Literary Hatchet.  The story, "Sudden Death Overtime," is actually the first completed story I ever wrote--I finished it in its original form in about 1987 when I was in high school, and then revised it in about 1993.  So I'm pleased my "first child," so to speak, has finally found a home.  It's about the consequences of a guy who takes his love of a football team way too far.  Friends and family who have unfortunately been in the vicinity when I'm watching games I care about will no doubt testify that this is a (barely) exaggerated example of "write what you know."
     The Literary Hatchet is printed by Pear Tree Press, which bills itself as, "We Are The Parent Company To All Things Lizzie Borden And Fall River Massachusetts."  So if you want to learn about the infamous Lizzie Borden double murder case, or about the history of Fall River, Massachusetts, you can head over to   The Literary Hatchet includes general (non-Lizzie Borden related) horror stories, and the issue my story should be in, #11, should be out at the end of this month.  The address for The Literary Hatchet itself is  The online magazine is free, although there is also a print version on Amazon.  As usual, I'll include more info when I get it.
      Also, apparently the doctor who initially looked at my back x-ray made a mistake, as later observation indicated that I only have the normal five lumbar vertebrae.  Sigh.

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