Saturday, October 16, 2021

Extremely Difficult Trivia About "The Shining" (1980)

      Today I'm tackling one of the most lauded horror movies, 1980's "The Shining."  (Personally I think it's a bit overrated--for more on that you can read my post on October 20, 2018, which covers 17 movies I think are overrated.)  This is also the movie which has so many interpretations and alleged hidden meanings that an entire documentary was made about, 2012's "Room 237."  (I've also heard that while some of the theories in this documentary seem reasonable, others are ridiculous and silly.  But to be fair I haven't seen it.)  So, because so many people have evidently watched "The Shining" countless times, maybe even frame by frame, perhaps more folks will know the answers to the incredibly difficult questions I'll be posing here.  But I'll take that chance, and see if I can stump even the most ardent fanatics.  As usual, there are obviously many SPOILERS ahead.  And if you're a normal, moderately rabid horror fan don't feel bad about not knowing many or all of these questions, since they're just unimportant details.  Also as usual, I'll ask the questions first, and then provide the answers below.


1)    What's the name of Mr. Ullman's secretary?

2)    And what's the name of the other hotel employee who sits in on Jack and Ullman's interview, and will later show Jack around?  (I think he's the on-season caretaker.)

3)    According to Ullman, what exact dates are the Overlook's open, on-season period?

4)    How long, in miles, is the single stretch of road that connects the Overlook to its nearest town, Sidewinder?

5)    Ullman tells Jack about a previous off season caretaker, Grady, who killed his wife and two daughters with an axe.  When did this tragedy occur?

6)    We see some children's character decals in the Torrance's apartment, around Danny's bedroom.  What comic strip and then movie are these characters from?

7)    Right before Danny blacks out while brushing his teeth we see he's wearing a shirt with a number on the shoulder.  What is the number?

8)    During his talk with the doctor, Danny says his friend Tony lives in two parts of Danny's body.  What are they?

9)    What town and state is the Torrance apartment located in?

10)   What state does Wendy say that the Torrances originally were from?

11)   During their tour, Wendy admires the Native American designs in one of the hotel's main rooms.  Ullman says they're based on two tribes' traditions.  What are these two tribes?

12)   According to Ullman, how many Presidents have stayed at the Overlook?

13)   What is Danny doing in the Game Room when he first sees the ghosts of Grady's daughters (in real life, not a vision)?

14)   How high, in feet, are the hedge maze's walls?

15)   What year did construction start on the Overlook, and when was it finished?

16)   What is the name of the massive room in the hotel that Ullman says can comfortably accommodate 300 people?

17)   According to Ullman, why is there no alcohol left in the Overlook during the off season?

18)   "Wendy" is actually a nickname.  What is her actual, full first name?

19)   How many sirloin steaks are in the hotel's freezer for the use of the winter caretakers?

20)   What does Danny say is his favorite food?

21)   During Halloran's talk with Danny, Danny is wearing a jacket with writing on the back.  What does is say?

22)   We see Jack wearing a t-shirt for bed wear with writing on it.  What does it read?

23)   What brand of cigarettes does Jack smoke while he's writing?

24)   Wendy watches a Denver television new segment which mentions that a 24 year old woman has been missing for 10 days, while out on a hunting trip with her husband.  What is that missing woman's name?

25)   What is the Overlook Hotel's CB radio call sign?

26)   And then what is the United Forest Service's CB radio call sign?

27)   When Jack first sees Lloyd the Bartender, how much money does he say he has?

28)   What kind and brand of alcohol does Lloyd serve Jack?

29)   Jack praises Lloyd's bartending skills, and mentions three cities while doing so.  What are these cities?

30)   According to Jack when did he accidently hurt Danny?

31)   According to Wendy while talking to the doctor, how long has Jack been sober?

32)   We see Dick Halloran watching the news at his winter home.  What channel is he watching?

33)   What are the names of the three newscasters mentioned during this broadcast?

34)   Grady accidently spills a drink on Jack's clothing in the ballroom.  What kind of drink was it?

35)   Grady identifies himself to Jack, but gives a different first name than Ullman did earlier.  What are the two first names?

36)   Grady mentions that one of his daughters did something that warranted "correction."  What was it?

37)   Dick Halloran flies from his winter home in Florida to Denver.  What airline does he use?

38)   What airport does he fly into?

39)   What garage does Halloran rent the Snowcat from?

40)   Who does Halloran talk to on the phone to arrange this rental?

41)   What Denver radio station is Halloran listening to while he drives to Sidewinder?

42)   The radio broadcast mentions that two passes are closed due to the winter weather.  What are they?

43)   What cartoon are Wendy and Danny watching before she confronts Jack?

44)   Staying on television programming, at one point we see the Torrances watching a movie.  What is it?

45)   What is the name of Jack's immense writing room?

46)   What brand of typewriter does Jack use?

47)   What real Major League Baseball player's signature is on the baseball bat wielded by Wendy?

48)   During their heated argument, Jack says he's responsible for looking after the hotel until what month and day?

49)   Everyone remembers what Jack says after he breaks open the apartment's bathroom door with an axe, and sticks his face in the hole--"Here's Johnny!"  But what does he say when he axes open the door to their caretaker apartment before this?

50)   At the end, we see an old photo on the wall in which Jack is inexplicably within a crowd scene at the Overlook.  What was the exact date of this ball?

51)   Near the end, Wendy sees four separate ghostly manifestations.  Briefly describe them.

52)   One of the actors or actresses in the movie claimed that director Stanley Kubrick loved playing chess with them, as this person was the only one available who could give Kubrick a challenge.  Who was it?


1)    Susie.

2)    Bill Watson.

3)    May 15th to October 30th.  So the caretaker's first day is apparently on Halloween!

4)    25 miles.

5)    The winter of 1970.

6)    We see "Snoopy" from the "Peanuts" comic, and "Dopey" from Disney's "Snow White."

7)    #42.

8)    Tony lives mostly in Danny's mouth, but sometimes he hides in Danny's stomach.

9)    Boulder, Colorado.

10)  Vermont.

11)  The Navajo and the Apache.

12)  4.

13)  He's playing darts.

14)  13 feet.

15)  It was begun in 1907, and finished in 1909.

16)  The Gold Ballroom.

17)  Insurance reasons.

18)  Winifred.

19)  50.

20)  French fries with ketchup. 

21)  Flyers.  (But it doesn't look like the NHL Philadelphia Flyers.)

22)  Stovington.  (Which is the name of the school in Vermont where Jack used to teach.)

23)  Marlboro.

24)  Susan Robertson.

25)  KDK 12.

26)  KDK 1.

27)  $60.  Two 20's and two 10's.

28)  Jack Daniels whiskey.

29)  Timbuktu, Mali, and Portland, Maine, and Portland, Oregon.  (As in Lloyd's the best from these places to the other places.)

30)  3 years ago.

31)  5 months.  So evidently Wendy or Jack is lying.  Since she told the doctor that Jack quit drinking the day after hurting Danny.  Presumably Wendy doesn't want to admit that Jack continued to drink well after this accident.

32)  Channel 10, or WPLG out of Miami, Florida.

33)  Glenn Rinker, Ann Bishop, and award-winning weather expert Walter Cronice.

34)  Advocaat.  Which is a Dutch drink made with eggs, sugar, and brandy.  Kind of like spiked eggnog, it sounds like.

35)  Ullman says it's Charles, but Grady says it's Delbert.  Some viewers think this is a mistake, but knowing Kubrick's fanatical attention to detail, it's probably not.  It's probably showing that Grady existed as a butler at the Overlook in 1921, and then as a caretaker in 1970.  Like Jack was somehow at the Overlook in the distant past (see Question #49), and also as a caretaker in the late 1970's.

36)  She stole a book of matches and tried to burn the hotel down.

37)  Continental.

38)  Stapleton International Airport.  Which in reality closed in 1995, and was replaced by the Denver International Airport.

39)  Durkin's.

40)  Larry Durkin.

41)  Radio 63, KHOW.

42)  The Wolf Creek and Red Mountain passes.

43)  Roadrunner.

44)  "Summer of '42" (1971)

45)  The Colorado Lounge.

46)  It's an Adler, which is a German brand.  It's probably either a 1960's J4 or a Tippa S model--there's online debate about that.  It was a popular portable typewriter brand of this time.  Also, it changes color as the film progresses.

47)  Carl Yastrzemski, the Hall of Fame Boston Red Sox player.  Presumably a nod to novel author Stephen King, since King's a major Red Sox fan.

48)  May 1st.  Which, as we know from Question #3, doesn't match with Ullman's stated date of May 15th.  Apparently Jack misremembered.  He IS crazy, after all.  Or, alternately, maybe May 1st is the real last day for the winter caretaker, and the hotel needs about 2 weeks to get it ready for guests.

49)  He says the more boring, "Wendy, I'm home."

50)  July 4th, 1921.  So, presumably more of the weird duality thing, like with Grady.

51)  a)  The guy in the bear or dog suit orally pleasuring a man in a tuxedo in one of the bedrooms.

      b)  A jolly man holding a drink despite sporting a horrendous head wound, who says, "Great party, isn't it?"

      c)  Cobwebs and dressed human skeletons in one of the ballrooms.

      d)  Blood pouring out of the elevator.  (The Simpsons did a great joke about this in their parody.)

52)  Tony Burton, who played the small role of Larry Durkin.  Burton's arguably most recognized for playing Tony "Duke" Evers, Apollo Creed and then Rocky's corner man/trainer, in the "Rocky" movie series.

     For any readers jonesing for a post about a consumable, next week's will be about one of these, and it's appropriate for the Halloween season.



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