Saturday, October 28, 2023

Extremely Difficult Trivia About "The Evil Dead 2" (1987)

      Previously, on October 29, 2022, I did a trivia quiz about the classic "The Evil Dead" (1982).  Well, today it's the first sequel's turn.  "The Evil Dead 2" (or "The Evil Dead II," for those that prefer Roman numerals) is a classic in its own right--many people even prefer it to the original.  The major difference between the two is tone, as part 2 is much more overtly humorous.  Granted, much of this humor is of the dark, messed-up variety, but most viewers really get a kick out of it.  Personally, I prefer the original, but this one is awesome as well.  Anyway, let's get to it.  It's the usual layout, and as always there are many SPOILERS ahead.


1)    According to the opening narration, when did The Book of the Dead disappear?

2)    What is Professor Knowby's first name?

3)    What number log entry does Ash play on the tape recorder?

4)    What is the surname of Associate Professor Ed (who's also Annie's boyfriend)?

5)    What is unusual about Linda's grave?

6)    What ends Ash's first possession?

7)    How many spans does the bridge to the cabin have?

8)    We see Annie arrive on an airplane.  From what airline?

9)    What is the plane's identification number?

10)   How did Annie first inform Ed about the discovery of the additional pages to The Book of the Dead?

11)   How old, at least, are the pages of The Book of the Dead?

12)   How long has it been since Ed has had contact with Annie's mom and dad (the Knowbys)?

13)   How much does Jake initially ask for in exchange for leading Ed and Annie to the cabin via the hiking trail, and how much does he eventually ask for?

14)   How many shots does Ash take at his severed hand, eventually causing the torrent of blood?

15)   There's a framed sewn message by the front door.  What does it read?

16)   Ash accidently shots Bobby Joe with his shotgun.  Where is this wound?

17)   Jake insults Ash using the title of another 1980's movie.  What is this movie's name?

18)   On what date did Professor Knowby record the entry discussing Henrietta's possession, and death?

19)   What song does Henrietta sing to convince Annie that she's not possessed anymore?

20)   What is Annie's exact birthdate?  (I'm looking for the day, month, and year.)

21)   What helps Henrietta remember this date so well?

22)   According to Annie, what does recitation of the first passage in the Book do?

23)  And what does recitation of the second passage do?

24)   What ends Ash's second, more prolonged possession?

25)   When Ash is fighting possessed Henrietta, Annie helps by distracting her.  How?

26)   Where is Castle Kandar located?

27)   As in the first movie, producer Rob Tapert and writer/director Sam Raimi once again played small acting roles in this film.  Name these roles.

28)   What kind of shotgun is used in this move?  (Hint, it's a different one from the first movie.)

29)   Which character, or characters, are stabbed with the Kandarian Dagger?

30)   Of the 8 named characters in the movie (Ash, Linda, Professor Knowby, Henrietta, Annie, Ed, Jake, and Bobby Joe) how many are not possessed at any time in the movie?

31)   What characters eat something during the film?

32)   Is this a sequel to the first movie, or a remake?

33)   Why didn't possessed Henrietta destroy the pages of the Book of the Dead, to prevent Annie from reciting the passage to send it (and the dark spirit and the other demons) to another plane of existence?

34)   What kind of alcohol were Ash and Linda just about to drink, before she got possessed?

35)   When Ash's possessed hand is dragging his unconscious body across the kitchen floor, we briefly see a label for a bottle of beer.  What brand is it?

36)   In the shed scene, where we briefly see another clock, what brand of repair kit do we also see?

37)   In the same scene, we see a six ounce glass beverage bottle.  What brand is this?

38)   Sam Raimi continued his call and response challenge to famous director Wes Craven in this movie.  Name it.

39)   In a (futile) effort to stave off the ratings board, the crew used different colored blood a few times.  Which character is shown having green blood?

40)   On the same note, which character bleeds blue blood?

41)   What two kinds of real, regular human food do we see in the kitchen?

42)   In the first movie we learn that Kandar is an ancient city in Sumeria.  But in this movie Kandar is the name of a castle in another area of the world (Question #26).  What gives?

43)   What are the final fates of Bobby Joe and Professor Knowby?


1)    1300 A.D.

2)    Raymond.

3)    2.

4)    Getley.

5)    She appears to have been buried in a pile of coal, not dirt.

6)    The sun.

7)    3.

8)    Huntley.  One of the real life property owners of one of the movie locations used was named Huntley, so this is presumably a tribute to them.

9)    N90INC.

10)   By using the incredibly outdated communication method of sending a telegram.

11)   3000 years.

12)   A week.

13)   $45, and then after being nudged by Bobby Joe, $100.

14)   3 times.

15)   Home Sweet Home.

16)  Her left shoulder.

17)   He says, "That crazy buck's gone blood simple."  Which is a nod to the Coen brothers' 1985 movie "Blood Simple."  The Coens were friends of Sam Raimi, and were even involved in "The Evil Dead."

18)   October 1st.

19)   "Hush Little Baby Don't Say a Word."  This song's origins are cloudy, but it appears to have started by at least the 1920's in the American South.

20)  September 2nd, 1962.

21)   Because, strangely, it snowed that day.

22)   It causes the dark spirit to manifest itself in the flesh.

23)   It creates a kind of rift in time and space through which the physical manifestation of the dark spirit can be forced through.

24)   He catches sight of, and holds the necklace that he gave Linda.

25)   She repeats the same song that Henrietta sang to her ("Hush Little Baby Don't Say a Word").

26)   England.  All the knights at the end speak English.

27)   Rob Tapert is the airline worker who opens the plane door (with a lot of difficulty), and Sam is one of the knights at the end of the movie.

28)   According to online gun enthusiasts, it's now a Stevens 311-C, 12 gauge double-barreled shotgun, made by Savage Arms.

29)   Annie accidently stabs Jake, and she in turn is fatally stabbed by Ash's severed and possessed right hand.

30)   At least 3, maybe 4.  Annie, Jake, and Bobby Joe are definitely not possessed, and it's unclear if Professor Knowby ever was.  Ash, Linda, Ed, and Henrietta all definitely were possessed.

31)   Bobby Joe accidently eats possessed Henrietta's right eye, possessed Ed eats a hank of Bobby Joe's hair, and possessed Henrietta evidently eats most of Jake, as we see he's only a skeleton afterwards.

32)   This is admittedly confusing.  Some viewers don't understand why Ash would go back to the cabin after the events of the first movie.  There is an explanation, though.  It's definitely a sequel--it even says so in the end credits.  The first part of the movie, with Linda getting possessed, is a recap of the first movie.  Unfortunately, because of the complicated distribution of the first movie, Sam Raimi didn't have the rights to include footage of it in the second one.  Therefore, they had to shoot those scenes again.  In doing so, they used a different actress to play Linda, and didn't show the characters of Shelly, Cheryl and Scott.  So, in essence, the events of Evil Dead 2 actually start with Ash being propelled by the Force through the trees.

33)   This is a definite plot hole, when you think about it.  She definitely could pick up the pages, since she's the only one who could have moved the pages from the area under the cellar steps to the rear rooms of the cellar.  Even if the Book's magic or something prevented her from ripping them up, or eating them, surely she could have hidden them securely, or buried them in the puddle right next to where a stack of them is eventually found.  Unless possessed Henrietta doesn't know what the recitations would do?  Unlikely, since she could have heard Annie discussing that, and she presumably heard her husband discussing the Book and its powers when she was alive.

34)   A bottle of champagne.

35)   Coors.

36)   A Fix-Tite Rubber Repair kit.

37)   Coca-Cola.  Which is kind of weird, since Coke competitor Pepsi is credited with co-financing this movie.

38)   Freddie Kruegers's bladed glove is (barely) visible in some of the shed scenes, above the door.

39)   Possessed Ed.

40)   The giant head of the dark spirit manifested in the flesh, known as the Rotten Apple Head by the cast and crew.

41)   Beans in a bowl, and a box of saltine crackers on the kitchen floor.

42)   I think the real answer is that Raimi and company wanted to switch the action to medieval England, so just reused the name.  For an in-universe explanation, maybe the castle was named after the Sumerian city, maybe after the Book was transported from the Middle East to England.

43)   Bobby Joe is seen being grabbed by vines and pulled into a tree, and is never seen again.  So she's presumed dead (and not possessed).  Professor Knowby clearly died, as we see and hear his spirit talk to Annie and the others.  But we don't learn how he died.  Henrietta tried to kill him when she became possessed, but he then killed or at least subdued her, and then buried her in the cellar, without dismembering her body.  We never see him in a possessed state in either movie, so apparently he wasn't ever possessed.  But we never see his body, or any remains, or blood, or anything.  So his demise is a mystery.






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