Saturday, December 2, 2023

Extremely Difficult Trivia About "Die Hard 2" (1990)

      About two years ago, on December 25th, 2021 to be exact, I did a trivia quiz about "Die Hard."  Well, it's December again, so let's do a sequel post about the sequel movie.  Many fans of the series were disappointed by #2, but I'm not one of them.  I thought it was a more than solid sequel--not as great as the first one, but still very good.  I actually prefer the second one to the third one.  And the less said about the 4th, or 5th one, the better--they totally went off the rails.  (Or at least I thought the 4th one was pretty bad, and heard universally negative things about the 5th movie.)  And yes, this one may resurrect the argument about whether or not the first two "Die Hard" movies are Christmas movies or not.  Close enough for me.  Usual format--questions first, followed by the answers, and these are all about incredibly obscure, and well, trivial details.  Many SPOILERS ahead.  Enjoy!


1)    The film opens with the car that John McClain is driving (owned by his mother-in-law) to the airport being towed.  What is this vehicle's license plate number and letters?

2)    According to the cop that John interacts with, how much will it cost to get the car back the following day?

3)    As John enters Dulles airport, we hear kids singing.  What famous song are they performing?

4)    What country is deposed dictator General Ramon Esperanza coming from?

5)    What is the name of the airport that Esperanza is flying out of?

6)    We see two news journalists talking about this situation on television.  Name them.

7)    What is the airline, and flight number, of the plane that Holly Gennero McClain is on?

8)    What television network does reporter Samantha Coleman work for?

9)    What details first attract John's attention toward the terrorists?

10)   The first terrorist that John kills is Cochrane.  What is Cochrane's first name and rank?

11)   The flight attendants reference two segments about the airline industry that Dick Thornberg recently did.  Name them.

12)   According to the restraining order Dick took out on Holly, exactly how far away is she supposed to stay from him?

13)   According to Captain Lorenzo, how many FAA and then D.C. regulations did John break in his initial fight with the terrorists?

14)   According to John, what new, innovative firearm were the terrorists carrying?

15)   How many Twinkees does Sgt. Al Powell have on his desk when John calls him?

16)   What is the Los Angeles police department's fax number?

17)   Before his untimely "death" in 1988, where was Cochrane stationed and trained?

18)   And what is Cochrane's special service number?

19)   What brand of chainsaw do the terrorists use to cut the electric cables at the church?

20)   What is the name and number of Esperanza's special, non-commercial flight?

21)   During his initial meeting with John, what song is Marvin the janitor playing on his record player in his basement area?

22)   Barnes is shot in his attempt to access the antennae array at the new Annex Skywalk.  Where on his body is he wounded?

23)   Colonel Stuart mentions seeing two of John's interviews, one in print, and one on television.  Name the magazine, and the television program.

24)   Stuart also uses a famous quote, "Treason is merely a matter of dates."  Who does he credit this quote to?

25)   The terrorist cause a plane to crash by providing incorrect data about how far above the ground the plane is.  Name the airline, and the flight number.

26)   Who is the sound man that Dick uses to tap into the cockpit radio?

27)   What is the name of Major Grant's special military counterterrorism team?

28)   What is the name of the Department of Justice official who meets and greets Grant as he arrives?

29)   What is the job title of Trudeau (who's played by politician Fred Dalton Thompson)?

30)   Who is the replacement member on Grant's team?

31)   Why did this man replace the previous member?

32)   What is Barnes' first name, and job title?

33)   What make and model is the two way radio (walkie-talkie) that the terrorists use?

34)   What is the code name for the terrorists' base of operations at the church?

35)   And what is the code name for General Esperanza?

36)   After his plane is damaged, what runway does Esperanza land on?

37)   What is Esperanza's plane's number?  (Not the flight number, the plane's, which is printed prominently on it.)

38)   Where on his body does John shoot Esperanza?

39)   According to Esperanza, how long did the terrorists' scheme take to plan?

40)   How many grenades do the terrorists throw in the cockpit with John?

41)   What kind of grenades do the terrorists use?

42)   Where is Holly currently employed?

43)   What television program is put on the screens in Holly's plane, to calm the passengers down?

44)   What television station does Dick call and make a report to?

45)   What famous weather forecaster does the old lady sitting next to Holly disparage?

46)   What is the name of the church that the terrorists use as a base?

47)   What is the church building going to be converted to?

48)   What hangar is the terrorist's plane in?

49)   What is Major Grant's terrorist codename?

50)   What is the name of Captain Lorenzo's brother, who is the cop who enjoyed towing John's car in the opening scene?

51)   What prayer does Holly murmur when it looks like their plane will crash?

52)   What is the ID number of the terrorists' escape plane?

53)   What song plays as the movie ends?  (Before the credits.)

54)   How many people do the terrorists kill?

55)   How many terrorists does John McClane kill?

56)   We see several trinkets in Marvin's area, including a sports team bobblehead.  Which team is it?

57)   Why didn't all the circling planes just fly to another airport, especially after the one is crashed?


1)    TB7 639.

2)    $40, which even for 1990, seems pretty cheap.

3)    "Carol of the Bells."

4)    The fictitious, yet common-in-movies nation of Val Verde (or perhaps Valverde).

5)    Escalan.

6)    Leonard Adkins and Amy Nicole.

7)    Northeast Airlines, Flight 140.

8)    WNTW.  She's on the Night-Time News team.

9)    He notices that one acts nervous when a cop walks by, and that one of them is carrying a gun in an airport.

10)   His first name is Oswald, and his rank is Sergeant.

11)   "Flying Junkyards," and "Bimbos of the Sky."

12)   Holly says it's 50 feet, and Dick says it's 50 yards (or 150 feet).

13)   7 FAA, and 5 D.C.

14)   A Glock 7.  Which is incorrect--gun enthusiasts online point out that they're using Glock 17s.  Also, all firearms would be picked up by metal detectors, since all have some metal parts.  Finally, porcelain is very brittle, so it's not suitable for a firearm. And, Glocks weren't that expensive, and are made in Austria, not Germany, so basically everything John says is wrong.

15)   4.

16)   555-3212.  Or, a fake number using the classic, "555" Hollywood exchange.

17)   Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Ft. Benning (GA), Saudi Arabia, Langley (VA), Afghanistan, and Honduras.

18)   1-567-70-1459.  I know, absolutely no one will know this, but I'll still throw it out there.

19)   A Stihl.

20)   Foreign Military 1.  It's also called Foxtrot Michael One, using the military code.

21)   "Old Cape Cod."

22)   His left forearm.

23)   "People" magazine, and the "Nightline" television program.

24)   He credits Cardinal Richelieu, but some think it's a quote from Napolean, or others.

25)   Windsor Airlines, Flight 114, out of England.

26)   Victor.

27)   Blue Light.

28)   Rollins.

29)   He's the Chief of Air Operations.

30)   Telford.

31)   The original man got appendicitis.

32)   His first name is Leslie, and he's the Chief Engineer.

33)   They are using the Kenwood TH-45AT, 440 MHZ.

34)   Eagle's Nest.

35)   Falcon.

36)   25R.

37)   709.

38)   In his upper right arm.

39)   2 months.

40)   Each man has 3 grenades, and they're told to use all of them.  So 9 total.

41)   RFX 55.  Which, weapons enthusiasts online note are the practice M-30 grenade versions of the M-26.

42)   She's seen reading a folder from Nakatomi, so evidently she's still working with that corporation.  Maybe she got a promotion after the events of the first film.

43)   "The Simpsons," the "There's No Disgrace Like Homer" episode (1990).

44)   WZDC-11.  Is he working for them now?  Or is it the local affiliate of his LA based network?

45)   Willard Scott, who she calls a "porker."

46)   Barnes calls it the "Hidey Lake Community Church," but later a sign indicates it's the "Highland Lake Community Church."  The latter name makes more sense.

47)   It's going to be a day care center.

48)   11.

49)   Hatchling.

50)    Vito.

51)   Psalm 23.

52)   N473 EV.

53)   "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow."

54)   Total, it appears to be 245.  There's the church custodian, the 5 SWAT guys, the 5 members of the Windsor plane crew, the 230 passengers on the Windsor, the 3 members of the plane carrying Esperanza (killed by him), and Telford by Major Grant.  Obviously, others could have died in the rioting and such, but 245 deaths appear to be confirmed.

55)   It appears to be 24.  McClane electrocutes Cochrane, shoots O'Reilly, Mulkey, and Thompson.  Causes Sheldon to crash on the snowmobile, stabs Baker with an icicle, shoots Burke and Garber, and causes Grant to be sucked into the plane engine.  Then Esperanza, Stuart, Miller, Kahn, and 11 members of the Blue Light team die in the plane explosion.

56)   It's for MLB's San Francisco Giants.

57)   Yes, this is questionable.  The movie tries to explain that it's because the snowstorm engulfed the entire Northeast and Mid-Atlantic part of the country, so many airports were closed, or dealing with the snow.  And they mention that Atlanta, Memphis, and Nashville had taken some of the errant flights.  But given that these planes had been circling for 2 hours, they almost certainly could have flown to other airports, especially in the warmer, less snow bound South.  I know, I know, it's a movie, so they wanted to keep it exciting and dramatic.  But I'm just saying.




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