If you go back and look at the release dates for the movies I've covered in these detailed trivia quizzes, you'll notice that most, or nearly all of them, are from the 1970's and 80's. With good reason--those decades are my favorite, movie-wise. However, I do appreciate movies from the 1990's and into the 21st century. So let's do one that's a bit more recent. "28 Days Later" was an extremely influential horror film. You can make a strong case that it reignited interest in the zombie movie. Even if the creatures in "28 Days Later" aren't technically zombies, since they're infected living humans, not reanimated corpses. But so what--they're certainly zombie-ish, in that they're mindless, savage monsters. Anyway, let's get to it--normal format, many SPOILERS ahead, you know the drill.
1) The movie opens in the lab with the infected chimpanzees. What is the name of this facility?
2) While walking around London in the beginning, Jim reads a newspaper briefly. Name it.
3) Jim is seen reading a postcard from the bulletin board of messages. What does it say?
4) There's some graffiti on the church's inner wall in the stairwell. What does it say?
5) Mark introduces himself to Jim with a joke. What is it?
6) Jim reveals that he was a bicycle courier. Where from, and where to, was his last assignment?
7) Just before the news went out, there were reports of infection in what foreign cities?
8) How long had it been since Selena and Mark had seen an uninfected person?
9) What section of London did Jim's parents live in?
10) What are the two lessons that Mark tells Jim?
11) As they walk to Jim's parents' house, Selena is singing a song. What one?
12) What is the full message to Jim that his parents wrote on a photo of him?
13) Mark tells Jim the story of how his family was infected, at a famous London location. Name it.
14) Two infected people attack Jim, Mark, and Selena at Jim's parents' house. Who are they?
15) Where did these two people live? (Before they became infected, and possibly after.)
16) According to Selena, how many seconds do you have to kill a person after they've been infected?
17) Selena mentions three different kinds of soft drink to Jim on the apartment stairwell. Name them.
18) What number flat (apartment) do Frank and Hannah live in?
19) After welcoming them in, Frank offers Jim and Selena an alcoholic beverage to celebrate. What kind?
20) According to Frank, when did they lose water pressure in their flat?
21) According to Frank, when was the last time it rained?
22) The four survivors hear a military recording on the radio promising a place of safety. Where is this located?
23) What is the license plate number of Frank's taxicab?
24) The gang stops at a grocery store for supplies. Which store?
25) Selena says she never wants to eat another chocolate bar again, with one exception. Name it.
26) What weapon does Jim carry on their journey?
27) The gang sees horses at one of their stops for the night. How many?
28) Selena reveals her previous vocation on the journey. What was it?
29) Major Henry West describes the safety measures of the mansion he and his men are living in. Name them.
30) Which solider serves as the chef?
31) Which soldier was infected a few days before, and is being kept chained up?
32) What welcome meal do the soldiers serve to Jim, Selena, and Hannah?
33) All the soldiers are privates, aside from Major West and two other men. Name them and their ranks.
34) One of his soldiers contemplating suicide inspired West to promise his men women. (Consensually, or non-consensually, alas.) Who was this near suicide?
35) There are 8 men in the military group, not counting the infected soldier.(Question #31). Name them all.
36) What two soldiers take Farrell and Jim to be executed?
37) Aside from the previously infected soldier (Mailer), which soldiers are definitely infected, and not killed outright?
38) How many uninfected people does Jim personally kill?
39) What is the message that the group leaves on the ground for planes to see?
40) If it's been 28 days, how is Jim still alive at the hospital? (Conjectural)
41) The infected don't seem to attack each other, only non-infected. How do they track and identify non-infected people? (Conjectural)
42) Since the infected are still living human beings, how are they still alive after up to 28 days later? (Conjectural)
43) The infected are silent, aside from inarticulate yells, moans and growls. With one exception. Name the infected who speaks, and what they say.
44) What animals are afflicted by the Rage Virus? (Conjectural)
45) What famous hospital did Jim wake up in?
46) What (famous, and to some, infamous) building do Frank and Hannah live in?
47) In what county is the cottage where Selena, Hannah, and Jim are living in at the end?
48) What brand of whisky is the one that Frank enthusiastically takes from the grocery store?
1) The Cambridge Primate Research Center.
2) The Evening Standard, a real paper, which is now named The London Standard.
3) "I WILL MAKE YOUR GRAVE FOR YOU ARE VILE NAHUM 1-14." This is quoting from that passage in the Hebrew Bible book of Nahum.
5) "A man walks into bar with a giraffe. They each get pissed. The giraffe falls over. The man goes to leave. The barman says, "Oy, you can't leave that lyin' there. He says, "No, it not a lion. It's a giraffe."
6) His last delivery was going from Farringdon to Shaftebury Avenue.
7) Paris, France, and New York City, U.S.A.
8) 6 days.
9) Deptford. Which is a real area.
10) Lesson One: You never go anywhere alone, unless you've got no choice. Lesson Two: Only travel during daylight, unless you've got no choice.
11) "Abide with Me," a hymn written by Henry Francis Lyte in 1847.
12) "Jim--with endless love, we left you sleeping. Now we're sleeping with you. Don't wake up. X."
13) Paddington Station. Once again, a real place.
14) Mr. Bridges and his daughter.
15) 4 doors down from Jim's parents' house.
16) 10-20 seconds.
17) Pepsi, Lilt, and Tango. Which are all real sodas, although some have altered their names since 2002.
18) 157.
19) Creme de menthe.
20) 3 weeks ago.
21) 10 days ago.
22) It's the 42nd Blockade, on the M602, 27 miles northeast of Manchester.
23) 6441 OHR.
24) Budgens Grocery. Which is a real store, and still around today.
25) Terry's chocolate orange. Which again, is a real candy.
26) A baseball bat. Odd that he found one of these in England, but whatever.
27) 4.
28) She qualified as a chemist, known as a pharmacist to some folks around the world.
29) There is flat terrain all around the house. They have floodlights connected to a generator. There is a high perimeter wall, and they have tripwires and landmines embedded in the lawn.
30) Jones.
31) Mailer.
32) Tinned ham, tinned peas, tinned beans, and an omelet. (Sadly, the omelet was made with rotten eggs, and was inedible.)
33) Farrell is a sergeant, and Mitchell is a corporal.
34) Jones.
35) Major West, Sergeant Farrell, Corporal Mitchell, and Privates Jones, Clifton, Bell, Bedford, and Davis.
36) Mitchell and Jones.
37) Only Clifton.
38) Davis, at the blockade, Jones with a bayonet stab, and Mitchell by slamming his head against the wall, and then gouging his eyes out, and back into his brain.
39) "Hello."
40) Evidently the hospital had a good generator, and its power lasted longer than the rest of London. And the intravenous fluids continued to hydrate and nourish Jim until close to his wakeup time.
41) Clearly noise and movement attracts them, so using their eyes and ears. But it seems to be something else as well, as they can still tell the difference between infected and uninfected people. In other words, even if an uninfected person stays silent, and motionless, the infected still seem to go after them. And since the movie doesn't have supernatural elements, I think that uninfected people have a different odor, and the infected can detect them using their sense of smell.
42) We don't see them doing it, but since they're still living humans, they clearly are drinking water at least every 2 or 3 days or so. And probably eating something on occasion, too, since some would surely have died from starvation otherwise.
43) The kid that Jim kills at the gas station says, "I hate you!"
44) It seems to affect only primates, as it was a disease designed for them. We see pigeons, seagulls, geese, horses, crows, and rats acting normally, and showing no signs or infection.
45) St. Thomas's Hospital, a real London hospital.
46) Balfron Tower, again, a real place in London.
47) Cumbria, in the Northwest part of England.
48) Lagavulin 16 year Scotch. A real brand, and one that Scotch afficionados usually respect.
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