Saturday, August 14, 2021

Extremely Difficult Trivia about "A Nightmare on Elm Street" (1984)

      I guess this is becoming a regular feature on my blog.  I sat down and re-watched yet another classic horror movie, "A Nightmare on Elm Street," with a finger on the "pause" and "rewind" buttons constantly, and with a pen and paper handy.  As usual, I fully admit that these questions are the very definition of trivia--mostly minor details, not very relevant to the plot.  So even the most rabid fans surely can't answer all of these, I think.  Anyway, here we go.  Obviously there are many SPOILERS of the movie, so be forewarned.  Also as usual, these are mostly asked in the order that they appear on the screen.  Answers are below, so you can write down any guesses if you like.


1)    What animal appears in Tina's dream in the opening scene?

2)    What are the numbers and letter on the license plate on Glen's car?

3)    Tina notes that the whole community seems weird and tense lately.  What does she suggest is the possible reason for this?

4)    In order to sleep over at Tina's house with Tina and Nancy (and later Rod), Glen lies to his parents and says he's staying over at his cousin's house, who lives near an airport.  What is this cousin's name?

5)    While chasing Tina in a dream, Freddy intentionally injures himself with his finger blade weapon.  What body part(s) does he wound?

6)    At Tina's, Nancy wears a nightshirt with a number on it.  What is it?

7)    According to the police, how long ago did Tina's father abandon his wife and child?

8)    And where was Tina's mother while her daughter was killed?

9)    Also according to the police, what has Rod been arrested for previously?

10)  What are the first names of Nancy Thompson's parents?

11)  We see a newscast about Tina's death on a television in Nancy's kitchen.  What is its make and model?  

12)  And what channel is the television turned to?

13)  Also according to the broadcast, what is Tina's full name?

14)  What two plays does Nancy's English teacher discuss in class?

15)  A poster of a celestial body is seen in the hallway when Tina's body bag-clad corpse appears to Nancy during her dream while in class.  What is it?

16)  Also during this classroom dream, Freddy deliberately cuts open his chest.  What color is his blood, and what is also inside the wound?

17)  We see the school's address number briefly when Nancy leaves.  What is it?

18)  Aside from coffee, what substance does Nancy use to fend off sleep?

19)  What famous movie do we see Nancy watching on television?

20)  What number precinct does Nancy's father work at?

21)  During her dream by the police station, Nancy sees an animal emerge from the dead Tina's mouth.  What is it?

22)  What is the name of the police officer working the station's front desk when Nancy and Glen arrive?

23)  What is the make and model of the car that Nancy's mom drives?

24)  And what are its license plate numbers and letter?

25)  What is the name of the sleep clinic that Nancy is taken to?

26)  According to the sleep clinic doctor, on the computer monitor the column of numbers marked "SENS" indicate when Nancy is dreaming.  What number or numbers indicate that she is?

27)  And what are the "SENS" numbers that we see just before they awaken Nancy?

28)  How does Nancy learn Freddy's full name?

29)  The film never states what town it takes place in.  But the state is visible on the license plates.  Which state is it?

30)  Glen mentions a group of people who've learned how to manage and control their dreams as a skill.  What place are these people from?

31)  What book is Nancy seen reading to help fight Freddy?

32)  What is the address number of Nancy's house?  (I hope you can guess the street name!)

33)  According to Nancy's mother, how many kids did Freddy kill (in life)?

34)  Also according to Nancy's mom, what was the legal reason for releasing Freddy, causing the parents of Elm Street to form the vigilante mob that murdered him?

35)  What number is on Glen's shirt when he is murdered?

36)  There's a poster visible for a famous musical group above Glen's bed.  What is it?

37)  Glen compares Nancy's situation in her newly barred and locked house to a famous literary character's.  Who is it?

38)  According to Nancy when she's talking to Glen, how many days has she gone without sleep?

39)  Nancy says she checked the Guinness Book for the world record for this.  How many days is it?

40)  Glen tells his mom that he wants to watch something on television, while intentionally not listening to it and instead listening to music.  Who or what does he want to watch?

41)  The television station that Glen was watching just before he dies identifies itself.  What is it?

42)  What brand of beer is Glen's father seen drinking on his front stoop?

43)  What is Glen's house number?

44)  A poster of another famous musical group is visible on the wall of Nancy's bedroom, near her door.  Who is it?

45)  In her final dream, Nancy discovers a possession of Glen's in Freddy's boiler room--evidently a memento of the murder.  What is it?

46)  And what possession of Tina's did Freddy keep as a souvenir?

47)  What is the name of Nancy's dad's main underling?  (He has the most screen time, and lines of dialogue, and his name is mentioned once at the end.)

48)  Writer/Director Wes Craven had one of his family members act in the film.  What role did this person play?

49)  What year, make and model of car does Glen drive?


1)    A sheep.

2)    OGR 805.

3)    An impending earthquake.

4)    Barry.

5)    He cuts off his left ring finger and pinkie.  (Or his fourth and fifth fingers.)

6)    11.

7)    10 years.

8)    In Las Vegas, with her boyfriend.

9)    Drugs and brawling.

10)  Donald and Marge Thompson.

11)  You can see its make and model clearly--it's a Toshiba Blackstripe.  I couldn't find out its year.

12)  3.

13)  Christina Gray.

14)  Two by Shakespeare--"Hamlet" and "Julius Caesar."

15)  Europa, one of the more famous moons of Jupiter.

16)  His blood is yellowish-green, and maggots are also inside.

17)  3939.

18)  Sta Awake Fast Acting pills.  Presumably more caffeine.

19)  "The Evil Dead," the original 1981 version.

20)  The 5th.

21)  A centipede.  There's also some goo-covered snakes or eels by her feet, but they're not very identifiable.

22)  Garcia, who in the credits as listed as a sergeant.

23)  A Volvo DL.  I couldn't find out the exact year.

24)  1JKC 580.

25)  The Katja Institute for Sleep Disorders.

26)  Plus or minus 5 or 6.

27)  30, which the doctor says is the highest number he's ever seen.

28)  It's written inside his hat, which she brought back into the real world.

29)  California.  Later movies retconned this, but we see the plates, plus several visible palm trees that indicate this is not the Midwest.

30)   The Indonesian island of Bali, as they're Balinese.

31)  "Booby Traps & Anti-Personel (sic) Devices."

32)  1428.

33)  At least 20.

34)  Somebody forgot to sign the search warrant in the right place.

35)  10.

36)  Rush--the poster is the album cover for their 1984 album "Grace Under Pressure."

37)  The Prisoner of Zenda.  Which was an 1894 novel by Anthony Hope.  There were also many movie versions.

38)  She's coming up on her 7th day.

39)  11 days.  If you're curious, a guy named Randy Gardner did achieve this number in a lab setting in late 1963 and early 1964.  But later some people lasted over 18 days.  Guinness discontinued listing this record due to the serious health risks of attempting it.

40)  Miss Nude America.

41)  KRGR.  As far as I can tell, this was never a real station.  And it may well be a joke, an abbreviation of Freddy's last name, "KRueGeR."

42)  Stroh's.

43)  1419.

44)  The Police.

45)  Glen's headphones.  They even are labeled.

46)  Tina's crucifix, which normally hung over her bed.

47)  Parker, who we learn from the credits is also a sergeant.

48)  His wife at the time, then going by Mimi Meyer-Craven, played the nurse at the sleep clinic.

49)  A 1958 Cadillac Series 62 convertible.






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