Saturday, April 8, 2023

Extremely Difficult Trivia About "The Terminator" (1984)

      This movie is one of my very favorites.  I can recall one evening as a teen when a similarly obsessed friend and I watched it, took a brief break, and then decided to watch it all over again.  And its first sequel, "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" beat the odds and was an extremely worthy follow up.  (Alas, the same can't be said for the, to date, 4 sequels that followed, but that's another story.)  Anyway, I'll follow my usual format of asking the questions first, and then put the answers at the end.  Also as always, these are very detailed questions, probably of interest only to hardcore fans of the movie.   SPOILERS abound, too, clearly.  


1)    Where, and in what year does the movie open?

2)    What is the number of the police car that first investigates Reese?

3)    The police cars in that time have a motto written on them.  What is it?

4)    According to the cop that Reese first encounters, what is the current day, month, and day of the week?

5)    Over the course of the movie, we see several characters look up "Sarah Connor" in the phone book.  What are the full names of the three women listed under that name?

6)    And according to the phone books, what are the addresses of these three Sarah Connors?

7)    What is the name of the restaurant where Sarah works?

8)    Where does the Terminator acquire his guns?

9)    At the store, we hear the Terminator asking for a 12 gauge auto loader (shotgun), a.45 Long Slide with laser sighting, and an Uzi 9 millimeter.  What gun does he ask for that he's told the store doesn't carry?

10)   According to the gun store owner, how long is the waiting period for handguns?

11)   We see the Terminator shooting one of the "other" Sarah Connors to death, presumably in her house.  What is the number over the door?

12)   Before she gets ready for her date, we see Sarah wearing a t-shirt featuring the characters of a well known cartoon.  What is it?

13)   Sarah has a roommate, Ginger.  We later see Ginger's boyfriend.  What is his name?

14)   Sarah's date for Friday night cancels, leaving a message on the apartment answering machine.  What is this man's name?

15)   What is the number on Sarah and Ginger's apartment door?

16)   We see Sarah and Ginger's answering machine several times.  What brand is it?

17)   Sarah goes into a bar to hide from Reese.  What is the name of this place?

18)   And on what street is this bar located?

19)   What is the cover charge at the bar?  (Sarah pays it, the Terminator does NOT.)

20)   Just as the Terminator approaches Sarah and Ginger's apartment, the observing police car is called away on its radio.  By what?

21)   We see two Keebler brand foods atop Sarah and Ginger's refrigerator.  What are they?

22)   What is the name of Sarah's pet iguana?  (Apparently the only survivor of the Terminator's rampage.)

23)   What is the bar's phone number?

24)   After the shootout at the bar, the Terminator steals a police car.  What number is it?

25)   After subduing the cop to get this car, the Terminator later perfectly mimics the cop's voice.  What is this police officer's callsign?

26)   According to Reese, what is his military rank?

27)   And what is Reese's serial number?

28)   The Terminator chasing Sarah and Reese is a Cyberdyne System Model 101.  We later learn he's in the 800 series.  What Terminator series number had rubber skin, making identification easy?

29)   Reese and Sarah switch cars, but are caught by the police.  What make and model is this final car?

30)   What is Dr. Silberman's job title?

31)   Reese goes over his actions in the future.  Before serving under John Connor from 2027-29, he spent the years 2021-27 serving under a different military commander.  Who was this, and in what military unit?

32)   While watching Silberman and Reese talk, Vukovitch (played by Lance Henriksen) briefly tells Traxler about an earlier Silberman interview that amused Vukovitch.  What was it?

33)   What brand of sunglasses does the Terminator wear?

34)   How do the police explain how the Terminator broke through the windshield of the car with a single punch?

35)   According to Lt. Traxler, how many cops are in the police building?

36)   Sarah and Reese briefly hear a radio news break.  What station is it?

37)   What make and model of car do Sarah and Reese escape the police station in?

38)   According to Sarah's address book, what is the address of her mom's cabin?

39)   And what is this cabin's phone number?

40)   What is the name of the motel where Reese and Sarah stay?

41)   What is the phone number of this establishment?

42)   What room number are Sarah and Reese staying in?

43)   What three ingredients does Reese buy to make the homemade nitroglycerin for the pipe bombs?

44)   How many pipe bombs do Reese and Sarah make?

45)   The Terminator steals a tanker truck during the final chase.  What business owns the truck?

46)   What damage does the final pipe bomb do to the Terminator?

47)   In the movie's final scene, set in Mexico, what is the date?

48)   How much does the Mexican gas station charge per liter of gasoline?

49)   We see a beer sign at this gas station, too.  For what brand?

50)   How many American dollars does the young kid ask Sarah for in exchange for the photograph, and how much does he eventually settle for?

51)   We see three punks during the opening scene at Griffith Observatory.  How many does the Terminator kill?

52)  With that out of the way, how many people does the Terminator kill in total during the movie?

53)   What is Sarah's educational status in this movie?  

54)   Which real life sci fi/fantasy writer is credited at the end of the movie?

55)   What would have happened if Sarah had an unlisted phone number?


1)    Los Angeles, California (or its ruins, anyway), in the year 2029.

2)    #2361.

3)   "To care and to protect."

4)    May 12th, Thursday.  He doesn't give a year, but we know it's 1984.  (Incidentally, this may be a mistake.  Considering much of the action takes place on a Friday, and the Terminator and Reese were in a hurry, I think the cop accidentally said it was Thursday, but it was actually early Friday morning, presumably May 13th.)

5)    In order, there's Sarah Connor, who we later learn is Sarah Louise Connor, then Sarah Ann Connor, and then our heroine, Sarah J. Connor.  (We don't learn what the "J" is for.)

6)    They're partially cut off or obscured, but Sarah Louise Connor's address is 1823 Doncaster, Sarah Anne Connor's is 2816 Easth--, and Sarah J. Connor's is 309 Calder C--.

7)    Big Jeff's.

8)    The Alamo Sports Shop.

9)    The fictional "phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range."

10)   15 days.  Legally he can take the rifles immediately.

11)   14239.  Which doesn't match either of the addresses shown in the phone books for the first two Sarah Connors, so evidently this is a mistake. 

12)   The futuristic "The Jetsons."

13)   Matt, who really likes phone sex, as we see.

14)   Dan Moorski.  Who apparently owns a Porsche, and who really got lucky that he had to cancel!

15)   #225.  Which doesn't correspond to the address seen earlier in the phone books.  Maybe 309 Calder C. is the building address, and #225 is the apartment number, which maybe wasn't in the phone book.  Or it's another mistake by the filmmakers.

16)   An Execu Sect.  Which appears to have been a real model from Toshiba.

17)   Tech Noir.

18)   On Pico Boulevard.

19)   $4.50.  Kind of steep for 1984, I think.

20)   There's a 211 in progress on 3rd and Cameron.  (Since the latter is the writer/director's name, I think this is probably a jokey reference.)  Also, a 211 in police code is an armed robbery.

21)   Their Harvest Wheats, and their Honey Grahams.

22)   Pugsley.

23)   555-9175.

24)   #1874.

25)   1L 19, played by William Wisher, who wrote additional dialogue for this movie, and co-wrote "Terminator 2" and made another acting cameo.

26)   He's a Sergeant Techcom.  (Technological communications?  Technological commander?)

27)   BN38416.

28)   The 600 Series.

29)   A Cadillac El Dorado, a 1977 model.

30)   He's a criminal psychologist.

31)   He was in the 132nd, under Perry.

32)   A guy screwed his Afghan, and then set it on fire.  Presumably the breed of dog and not the blanket or rug, but either way, pretty disturbing.

33)   Gargoyles.  Also seen worn by Dirty Harry in the last 2 movies in that series.

34)   Vukovitch theorizes that the man was on PCP, and probably broke every bone in his hand, although he wouldn't know it until later.

35)   30.

36)   KFLB.

37)   A 1972 AMC Gremlin.

38)   181 Spruce Lane, Big Bear.  I'm not encouraging any trespassing or anything, but according to Google Maps this might be a real address.

39)   555-9861.

40)   The Tiki Motel.

41)   408-555-1439.  Probably another mistake by the filmmakers, since the 408 area code is over 300 mile north of Los Angeles, in the San Jose area.

42)   9.

43)   Mothballs, Karo corn syrup, and ammonia.  From light online research these things don't appear to really make plastique, but for obvious reasons I didn't want to look into this in detail.

44)   7.

45)   J + G Oil Co.

46)   It blasts off his legs, and his left hand.

47)   November 10th, 1984.

48)   40.3.  Presumably pesos.

49)   Tecate.

50)   $5, but he settles for $4.

51)   At least one.  The blonde guy on the right gets some organ (his heart?) pulled out of his torso, and falls down looking extremely dead.  Of the other two, Bill Paxton's spiky haired character gets shoved against the metal fence, and falls down.  (Perhaps concussed?  We don't see him anymore.  But it seems unlikely that the push was fatal.)  The third guy gets trapped and starts disrobing, and the Terminator is later seen wearing this punk's clothes.  It's possible that the Terminator killed the remaining two just to tie up loose ends, but in other situations he usually doesn't kill people unnecessarily.  So I'm guessing the two others survived, but it's clearly unknown.

52)   At least 27.  In order, he kills at least one punk, then Dick Miller's gun store owner, the two other Sarah Connors, Matt and Ginger, at least 3 club goers in Tech Noir, 17 police officers (as revealed in Terminator 2, so 13 cops survived their gun shot wounds), and Sarah's mother.  As I covered in the previous question, it's possible the two other punks were also killed.  And the truck driver at the end is clearly attacked by the Terminator, but it's unknown if fatally so.  Reese's death is caused by his own pipe bomb, so I'm not counting that.

53)   We see the Terminator find Sarah's university ID card, saying it's for the spring of 1984.  Since it's May 13th at the time, that indicates she's probably nearing the end of a semester, or just finished her spring semester.  It's also possible she just graduated.  In the movie we don't see which college she's attending, but other sources indicate it's Western University in Pomona.  And sadly, after the events of the movie, it doesn't appear that Sarah finished up her education, alas, assuming she didn't graduate before.

54)   Harlan Ellison.  Evidently Ellison was threatening a lawsuit, since "The Terminator" was arguably very similar to Ellison's "Soldier" and possibly "Demon with a Glass Hand."

55)   Okay, I'm kind of joking here, but it does lead to an important point.  Mainly, if her phone number (and thus address) wasn't in the phone book, how would the Terminator have located her?  Since it only knew her name, and that she was a resident of the huge Los Angeles metro area.  In the pre-internet days of 1984, the Terminator could have gone to the DMV, and tracked her by her driver's license, or gone to the court house and tracked her birth certificate, I suppose.  But what if she was born in another city, and didn't have a driver's license?  Also, the Terminator might have stopped after killing the 2 wrong Sarahs.  And maybe Reese doesn't find her either, and thus John doesn't get conceived, and....I've gone off the rails here, but you get what I mean.

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