Saturday, July 1, 2023

Extremely Difficult Trivia About "Aliens" (1986)

      About two years ago, on June 19, 2021 to be exact, I did a trivia quiz on the horror/sci-fi classic, "Alien."  Well, now let's get into the sequel, 1986's "Aliens."  Or, in my non-humble opinion, the only sequel or prequel in the "Alien" universe really worth seeing.  "Aliens" is pretty remarkable--it's one of the rare sequels that's great, just as awesome, if not better, than the original.  And this was accomplished in a movie that became more of an action movie than the original.  Anyway, usual drill, questions first, followed by the answers.  Many SPOILERS, obviously.  And some questions will be a little jokey, or might be discussions where the clear answer is ambiguous.  Finally, there are two major versions of this movie--the theatrical cut, and the longer director's cut.  Questions that are from the latter will be marked with an asterisk (*).


1)     How long was Ripley in hypersleep?

2)*    What was the name of Ripley's daughter?

3)*    How old was Ripley's daughter when she died?

4)*    What town, and in what U.S. state, were the remains of Ripley's daughter placed?

5)      What kind of ship was the Nostromo, according to info we learn at the hearing?

6)      How much was the Nostromo worth in adjusted dollars, minus payload?

7)      According to the info learned in the hearing, how many worlds in the universe have been surveyed by people?

8)      What was Ripley's company serial number?

9)      What is the final decision about Ripley made at the hearing?

10)    Who is the head of this hearing?

11)    What is the common term for the type of colony on LV-426?

12)*   What is the name of the colonist's community on LV-426?

13)*   What is the population of this community, according to its sign?

14)*   Beyond what mountain range does Newt's family discover the derelict ship?

15)*   What is the motto of the Weyland-Yutani company?

16)*   What is Newt's mother's name?

17)     How long does it take the Sulaco to reach LV-426 from Earth?

18)    What system's "poontang" do the colonial marines speak of fondly?

19)    What company made Ash the android, and what model type was he?

20)    We see a nuclear missile being loaded.  What is written on it?

21)    Ripley's footwear is a real life brand.  Name it.

22)    Where does. Apone request Ripley put the cargo container that she's holding with the loader?

23)    How many simulated drops has Gorman had, and how many real, combat drops?

24)    What is written on Ferro's flight helmet?

25)    Bishop mentions one of the colonists that died during the "facehugger alien" removal.  Who was it?

26)    What is Newt's real full name?

27)    We see her name on an award plaque.  What is the award for?

28)    How does Hudson located the missing colonists?

29)    What is the name of Newt's doll?  (Who's only a head, but whatever.)

30)    What was the name of Newt's brother?

31)    Name the three characters who drive the Armored Personnel Carrier (APC).

32)    What type of ammo do the pulse rifles fire?

33)    After Gorman orders the marines to surrender their rifle magazines, who is tasked with holding them all in a bag?

34)    Which marine discovers the impregnated colonist who is still alive?

35)    Who is the first marine assaulted by an alien?

36)    What kind of nerve gas does Vasquez suggest killing the aliens with?

37)*   After the crash of the dropship, what weapons do the marines salvage?

38)    After the Sulaco doesn't respond, how long would it take a rescue ship to arrive?

39)*   What model are the robot sentries?

40)    On what date did Burke direct the colonists to look for the derelict ship?

41)    After Bishop tells the others that the processing plant will explode, how much time do they have left?

42)    How big a blast radius will this explosion have, and with how many megatons of strength?

43)    Hicks shows Ripley how to operate the marines' pulse rifle in detail.  What model is it?

44)    In addition to firing the standard ammo rounds, what other feature does this rifle have?

45)*   According to Hudson, how much time did he have left to serve in his military career?

46)    What architectural feature did the marines and Ripley forget about, which enables the aliens to sneak inside their barricade and attack them?

47)    What kind of marking flares does Ripley use in her final search for Newt?

48)    We learn the first names of only three characters who are on the Sulaco.  Name them.  (Other media provides more of the marine's names, but only 3 are mentioned within the movie itself.)

49)    What elevator do Ripley and Newt use to escape the nest?  (Its gate number is listed.)

50)    What platform do they leave from?

51)    Of the 12 colonial marines, three are corporals.  Name them.

52)    Of the 15 people who are on the Sulaco at one point or another, not counting Bishop, but counting Newt, how many are cocooned and impregnated by aliens?  (Conjectural question.)

53)    Why didn't Gorman tell the marines why he was forbidding rifle fire in the alien nest?

54)    How did the alien egg or eggs get on the Sulaco, causing the plot of Alien 3?

55)    The main ship in this movie is the Sulaco, and the one in "Alien" was the Nostromo.  How are these two names related?

56)    Which characters who were on the Sulaco were played by actors who were in the military in real life?

57)    Was the character of Lambert from "Alien" trans?


1)    57 years.

2)    Amanda ("Amy") Ripley-McClaren.

3)    66.

4)    Little Shoot, Wisconsin.

5)    An M-class starfreighter.

6)    42,000,000.  Which, honestly, seems kind of low.

7)    Over 300.

8)    NOC14472.  Although a later screen says NOC14672, so one is a mistake.

9)    Due to her questionable judgment, her ICC commercial flight officer license is suspended indefinitely.  No criminal charges at this time, and she's released on her own recognizance, with a 6 month period of psycho-metric probation to include monthly reviews by an ICC psychiatric technician.

10)   Van Leuwen.

11)   It's a "shake and bake" colony.

12)   Hadleys Hope.  Seems like it should be Hadley's Hope, but that's how the sign renders it.

13)   158.

14)   Out past the Ilium Range.

15)   "Building Better Worlds."

16)   Annie.

17)   3 weeks.

18)   Arcturian.  Either male or female.

19)   He was a Hyperdine System 120-A2, a model Bishop maintains was "always twitchy."

20)   NT-432R.

21)   Reebok.  You can see when she steps into the loader.

22)   Bay 12.  He even says, "please."

23)   38, and then 2, counting this one.

24)   Fly the Friendly Skies, which was the (real) company tag line for United Airlines from 1965-96.

25)   John J. Marachek.

26)   Rebecca Jordan.

27)   The 2nd grade citizenship award.

28)   By tracking their surgically implanted Personal Data Transmitters, or PDTs.

29)   Casey.

30)   Timmy.

31)   Bishop drives it initially, Frost drives it to the processing station, and Ripley, obviously, drives it away from the processing station after the alien attack.

32)   A 10 mm. explosive tipped caseless standard light armor piercing round.

33)   Frost.

34)   Dietrich.

35)   Again, Dietrich.

36)   CN-20.

37)   4 pulse rifles with about 50 rounds each, 15 M-40 grenades, 1 or maybe 2 half-full flamethrowers, and 4 robot sentries.

38)   17 days.

39)   They are UA 571-C Remote Sentry Weapons Systems.

40)   6/12/79.  Don't know if in the future, which dating system won out, so either June 12th, or December 6th.  From other sources we know the year is 2179.

41)   4 hours.

42)   30 kilometers, with a strength of about 40 megatons.

43)    The M-41 A pulse rifle.

44)   It has over and under 30 mm pump action grenade launchers.

45)   4 weeks.

46)   The drop ceiling.

47)   M-94s.

48)   Ripley's first name is Ellen, Hicks' is Dwayne, and Burke's is Carter, middle initial J.  The other marines' first initials are shown, but not their full first names.

49)   28.

50)   7.

51)   Hicks, Ferro, and Dietrich.

52)   The marines who enter the nest are all connected to the APC's computer, showing their vital signs, so indicating if they're alive or not.  After the 3 survivors make it back after the alien attack, Hudson notes that Apone and Dietrich's signs are low, but they're not dead.  Meaning they're being cocooned.  He doesn't mention Drake, Frost, Crowe, or Wierzbowski, so they were presumably killed by the acid blood shower (Drake), falling down the stairwells (Frost), and the ammunition bag explosion (Crowe and Wierzbowski).  Ferro and Spunkmeyer are either killed by the alien, or in the explosion when the dropship crashes..  Later, Hudson and Burke are taken away, and almost certainly cocooned.  Gorman and Vasquez die in the suicidal grenade explosion in the air vent.  Hicks, Ripley, and Newt survive, and Bishop is torn in half, but still functioning.  Given the timing, Dietrich and Apone were almost certainly impregnated by facehuggers, and may have even "birthed" aliens.  Hudson and Burke were almost certainly impregnated, but they may have died in the processing station explosion before the aliens could emerge.  In a deleted scene, Ripley gives the impregnated Burke a grenade for suicide.  Finally, Newt was clearly cocooned, but Ripley prevents her from being impregnated.

53)   (Aside from the obvious answer, "It helped the plot.")  For an in-universe explanation, it's yet another example of Gorman's inexperience and incompetence.  If he had told them the important safety reason, maybe Drake and Vaszquez would have obeyed, and not fired their guns.  It's possible that these shots damaged the processing station, although it seems like the dropship crash was the major, or only reason.  But at the very least, his soldiers would have had one less reason to distrust and hate him.

54)   This one has always bugged me, and many fans.  Again, I know, the answer is because they wanted to do a 3rd Alien movie.  But within the movie's logic, simply put, it didn't, and couldn't happen.  The only alien who encounters the second dropship, the Queen, had detached from her egg laying sac before leaving her nest for the chase.  And we see her clearly, she's not holding an egg.  Even if somehow there was 1 egg stuck inside her or something, how did Ripley, Newt, and Bishop not see it?  I've heard some folks claim that Bishop was secretly evil, like Ash, and smuggled it aboard and hid it, but how?  He never goes into the nest, and we don't see eggs anywhere else.  And he's busy during the whole time, so he couldn't have sneaked away and gone to the nest.  Anyway, long story short, it doesn't make any sense.

55)   The Nostromo is taken from Joseph Conrad's book of the same name.  And in this story, a mentioned port town in the fictitious South American country of Costaguana is named.....Sulaco.

56)   Lance Henriksen (who played Bishop), served in the U.S. Navy.  Tip Tipping (Crowe) was a real Royal Marine for the U.K.  And Al Matthews (Apone) was also a Marine, for the U.S., and even served in Vietnam.

57)   According to the bios flashed on the screens during Ripley's hearing, she sure was.  And supposedly there was talk of making Captain Dallas trans, too, but they decided not to do that.



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