Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Release Date for "Scream and Cream" is Here!!


     I'm very excited to announce that the anthology I've been referencing for the past few months is finally out, and available.  Both as a Kindle ebook, or as a paperback.  Brought to us from the fine folks at Crimson Cult Media, and publisher/editor/author Marie Lestrange.  Next, I'll introduce the 13 people who have stories in this horror/erotica book.  They are:

Carietta Dorsch

Paul Lonardo  (whose interview was just published here 3 days ago--check it out)

Bert Lestrange

Shaun Avery

K.L. Rassmussen

Yvon Wang

C.C. Parker

D.W. Milton

J. R. Santos

K.L. Massey

Myself, Paul Stansfield

Marie Lestrange

J. Rocky Colavito  (whose interview you can read here this Saturday, the 28th)

     Here's the preorder buy link to Amazon again, which also includes more information about the book:

                                     SCREAM AND CREAM PreOrder   

     (Just in case this preorder link isn't still working, you can obviously reach the page for "Scream and Cream" by typing this name in the search bar on Amazon.)

     Also, if you'd like to read some reviews and ratings about this book before purchasing, you can head on over to Goodreads.  As of now there are 5 ratings and 4 reviews, all very positive.

     So what are you waiting for?  Get yourself a copy and be disturbed, frightened, and a little turned on, all at the same time! 

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